
Swift Customization

Modulus, the June 2011 template release, features ease of stylistic choice at its core, with the Color Chooser —an intuitive interface inside the template manager— that facilitates the swift customization of the template style, with an auto contrasting function for content text.

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Integrated Addons

A wide selection of RocketTheme extensions have specific styling in the Modulus template. RokTabs has 4 different style modes, as controlled by the roktabs1-4 module class suffixes, as well as a separate styling for the Showcase position. Preview all the addons below.

Preview Extensions

Powered by Gantry

The foundation of every modern RocketTheme template is the Gantry Framework, which provides a unified platform to extend Joomla's templating abilities far beyond what it is capable of, which allow for an intuitive interface and ease of configuration to the end user.

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Fusion & Splitmenu

Two menu options accompany the Modulus template, Fusion and Splitmenu. The former is an advanced CSS dropdown menu, enhanced with transitions and animations, powered by Mootools. The latter is a static menu option with basic child side navigation support.

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Configurable Styles

Quickly customize the template colors in the Gantry administrator, with auto- contrasting text colors.


Gantry Framework

Intricately control stylistic and structural settings for the template, all from a single, extensive, user interface.


Module Variations

Diverse, vibrant and structural module class suffixes to highlight and individually style your modular content.

Fusion, a CSS dropdown menu, enhanced with animations, transitions and other advanced effects powered by Mootools. MegaMenu features include mutli-column and grouped item support.

More Information: Fusion Menu

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Selecting a template color has never been easier with the MooRainbox Color Chooser popups in the administrator.


Easily control other style options such as Load Transition, from the extensive and unified Gantry Template Manager.

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A selection of fresh and modern custom content typography, ranging from list styles to more advanced elements.


RokCandy allows you to easily insert complex HTML typography into content, with configurable custom syntax.

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There is a RocketLauncher package available for Joomla 1.7.x.

Modulus is available in both a Joomla 1.5.x and Joomla 1.7.x format, including the standalone template, the bundle template, and all integrated and showcased extensions.

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Using RokStock you can beautifully display live stock information, styled just for Modulus.



Want to display your up-to-date forecasts? Use RokWeather to dynamically show live weather information.



Showcase content efficiently and stylistically with RokTabs, saving on valuable web page real estate.