Exquisitely designed template for Gantry 5 framework. A rich, highly flexible and visually diverse template.
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Requiem is an exquisitely designed template for the Gantry 5 template framework. Easy to style, configure and customize through an advanced, user friendly and modern interface.
Anim<br />ated


Rich CSS animations to enhance appeal without detracting from content
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Vers<br />atile
Gantry 5 provides a foundation for intuitive usability and control
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Styl<br />istic


An array of configurable presets and block variations to individualize content
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What are people saying?

99.7% of customers is fully satisfied with our products.
I like Requiem more and more each day because it makes my life a lot easier. I am amazed!
Taylor Jackson
Taylor Jackson CEO of Styleshop
95.2% of our customers would recommend Requiem footwear to their friends and family.

The Framework

The Gantry 5 Framework is an ideal platform for users of all levels, whether beginners or web professionals. The administrative interface is both simple to use, intuitive and highly flexible, allowing for swift and extensive changes.