Preset Styles A selection of unique and stunning style variations.
Styled Addons Integrated styling for many RokExtensions.
Typography Streamlined and fresh content style elements.
New Layout The new Showcase Tabs layout for RokStories.
  • Design


    Unique Style Variations

    Nebulae, the May 2011 release, combines visual sophistication with functionality and power. The template offers a range of unique and stunning style variations, with distinct colour schemes complimenting their detailed and beautiful background counterparts.


    Fresh & Refined Typography

    All the standard typography has been recoded and restyled for the May template release. The new set takes advantage of CSS 3 techniques, resulting in less code and greater performance, as well as providing an assortment of visually modern, and clean custom content elements.

  • Framework


    Gantry Framework

    The Gantry Framework is the foundation of all the features and functionality in the template. It is a cross-platform instrument, which extends well beyond the core abilities of Joomla and its templating structure, and as an external bundle, it increases the ease of adding new abilities.


    Template Interface

    The most notable feature of Gantry, is the advanced and intuitve administrator interface for controlling the template. It allows for extensive control over all aspects of the template, such as module width distribution, and can be managed on a per-menu-item basis.

  • Modules


    New RokStories Layout

    Accompanying the template release, is a new version of RokStories with a new layout option, Showcase Tabs. This is demoed above, and places the content title, a label, and an automatically generated thumbnail in the tabs, whilst displaying the main image full width.


    Styled RokContentRotator

    RokContentRotator makes a return with template specific styling for the Nebulae template. The module is perfect for displaying content items in a dynamic fashion, using the vertically stacked tab items. The module is styled for multiple positions and module suffixes.

  • Guides


    Installation Instructions

    The template, the Gantry Framework, and all used modules, components or plugins are available in the RocketTheme downloader. There are two template packages, a standalone and a bundle build. Use the Bundle if Gantry has not already been installed, and vice versa.


    Logo Customization

    Sources are provided, inclusive of fonts, in the download for Nebulae. You will need Adobe® Fireworks CS3 or later, in order to take full advantage of the editable and layered source PNGs that we offer. Instructions on how to modify the logo are provided in the tutorial section.

  • Menus


    Fusion with MegaMenu

    Fusion Menu is primarily a javascript enhanced CSS dropdown menu, that combines standard suckerfish type functionality with animations, transitions and other advanced effects provided by Mootools; in addition to other MegaMenu features such as multiple columns.


    Versatile Splitmenu

    Splitmenu is a static menu system that displays 1st level items in the main horizontal menu and all subsequent child menu items in the Sidebar. This location, and other parameters pertaining to SplitMenu, are configurable in the Gantry Template Manager.

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Scrolling Modules

Scrolling Positions is a feature of Gantry, which, when activated, modifies the behaviour of stacked modules. Instead of appearing vertically, the additional modules assigned to a given position become accessible via a javascript transition button, in this case: "More".

The Content Top and Content Bottom position rows have this feature.

Hidden Component

In this demo, we have disabled the frontpage component from displaying, therefore, only modules will appear. This is achievable via a setting in Admin → Extensions → Template Manager → rt_nebulae_j15 → Advanced Disable Component : On/Off.

Additionally, you can disable the entire mainbody area with the Disable Mainbody setting.

Insert basic modules into RokTab's content using the core Joomla, Load Module Position plugin, which uses the {loadposition name} syntax.

Login Form

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22 Module Class Suffixes

An array of 22 suffixes are provided, 15 of which are for stylistic purposes, and the remaining 7 being for structural changes. Additionally, suffixes can be combined such as using both title/box styles and/or with structural suffixes.

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Easy Logo Customization

Images sources are available, in addition to any fonts, from the Nebulae download area. Adobe® Fireworks CS3 or later is required, in order to take full advantage of our editable and layered PNG source files.

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RocketLauncher Package

Replicate the demo with ease with the RocketLauncher package, a full Joomla install, including the template, extensions and the sample data used on the demo. The Launcher is the perfect tool to understand the basics of the template.

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Community News

Fusion with MegaMenu

Fusion with MegaMenu
Fusion Menu is primarily a javascript enhanced CSS dropdown menu, that...

New Typography

New Typography
All the standard typography has been recoded and restyled for the May template...

Gantry Framework

Gantry Framework
The Gantry Framework is the foundation of all the features and functionality...
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