samedi, juillet 27, 2024
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RokMicroNews Module

RokMicroNews is a new module, perfect for displaying your content. Your content (plus auto loaded image) are displayed adjacent to your article titles and the hover or click of these titles triggers a javascript transition to another article. Perfect for showcasing news items in a small, but structured spaced. image

How do I configure RokMicroNews?

We will take a quick look at the parameters you will find when you install this module. There are 4 columns, parameters, options, demo and description. The parameter column lists each available setting for the module; options lists the available options to choose from; demo lists the options chosen on the demo and description outlines what the module does. In order to stack multiple modules on top of one another, you must create new modules: Admin → Extensions → Module Manager → New → rokmicronews and fill out the relevant details.


Show Title Enabled Position Section Category Order # of Articles Preview Length Nav Position Nav Interaction Show Titles Show Thumbnails Thumbnail Width Authors Frontpage Items Module Class Suffix Extra CSS Class Use Custom CSS


Yes : No Yes : No list of positions list of sections list of categories list of orders Number Field Number Field Left : Right Click: Hover Show : Hide Show : Hide Number Field list of authors Show : Hide Text Field Text Field Yes : No


Yes Yes rokmicronews RokMicroNews Politics Recently Modified First 3 260 Right Click Hide Show 120 Anyone Show red leave blank No


Enable/Disable the module header Enable/Disable the module Position of the module Section of content Category of content Ordering of content Number of articles displayed Number of characters displayed Position of article titles Transition trigger type Show/Hide Titles Show/Hide thumbnails Pixel width of thumbs Choose specific author articles Display frontpage items Suffix applied to the code Unique class for module Use the Custom CSS tag


Important: This demo is purely for demonstrative purposes. Content displayed is showcased as sample data. All images are copyrighted to their respective owners. All content cited is derived from their respective sources.

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